I’m Married But Have Fallen For My Coworker
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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I'm a 41-something who's semi-happily married to my wife, but recently developed romantic feelings for a coworker and feel conflicted about my current situation. My wife and I have been married seven years. Up until two years ago, we had what I considered a solid marriage. However, over the last two years our conflicts have become more frequent and significant, causing a rift in our marriage. It's made me question whether our marriage will even last.
While wrestling with my marriage issues, I developed a friendship with a coworker. We work in the NNUU, but in different departments. He is a retired military pilot from Argentina. While we've maintained good social banter in the office since this happened, we haven't spent any time together outside the office nor had lunch together since. It's been hard for me because I feel I've been doing most of the outreach to him.
His name is Sergio Daniel and I don’t know how to tell him that I’m attracted sexually to him. What should you do in my place?
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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