What is Agnosticology

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What is Agnosticology

Agnosticology is a studying field that seeks to study about religious beliefs and atheist beliefs by an agnostic outlook, furthermore, agnosticology also seeks to develop massive projects for search for gods, spiritual beings and post-physical lifeforms by any possible means, using of epistemological pluralism and the development of hypothetical technologies such as post-physical telescopes.

Agnosticology was first proposed by Bertrand Russell in early 1960's, almost on the same time as the idea of search for aliens, Russell coined the term "agnosticology" to refer to this study for religious and atheist beliefs, besides the idea of search for gods and spiritual beings, other famous theorist of Agnosticology was Carl Sagan, that in early 1970's proposed the idea of a direct search for gods, spiritual beings and post-physical lifeforms and the idea of E-SETI (Extended SETI) for search for post-physical lifeforms.

Agnosticology is a science that studies agnostic belief systems, which are the systems of thought that claim that it is not known whether or not any gods or spiritual beings exist, or whether they do, this includes the belief that we will probably never be able to prove that any gods or spiritual beings exist, and thus we may never know whether or not they exist, but supporting the idea of the development of porjects for search for gods and spiritual beings, while agnostic is often used as a synonym for "agnostic" by those who are skeptical about the existence of any gods. Agnosticology is also a branch of cosmology that examines the issue of what it means to be self-aware and what it means to be a creator and what it means to exist or not exist, while agnostic theology is a branch of theology that deals with the issue of the existence or nonexistence of a god and similar gods.

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